AuthorVeeru Chheda

The good the bad and the ugly.


The Good The Bad And The Ugly. Introduction: Numerous chinks in armor peek through distinctly Visible in carefully manicured holier than thou image if looked closely enough peering behind facades of religion genial bonhomie ample dispensation of ethical and moral advice friendships and relations. The ugliness inherent in every human can’t be sheathed and it reeks into pompous proclamations if...

Sharda Arogyadham.


A beautiful place where colorful blossoms and monsoon fog greets you as you walk into the balcony with your morning cup caressing relaxing laying your troubles to rest as you plan your sightseeing for the day leaving work and home behind. Winters are equally mesmerizing as the you leave the heat of the plains behind and let the cool weather soothe your soul. Summers as summers go are well summers...

A Mysterious God.


In a perfect world everything would be just dandy. No war strife hunger pain illness or tears. But we live in an imperfect world with contrasts so stark it’s not only cruel but savage and surreal. Some have it all and some knock on car windows not knowing where their next meal is coming from. Some healthy as horses while some fighting for their life. Some relatively fortunate living a blessed...

The coconut tree


The night was long Writhing in pain Half alive half dead The night I spent Sun is up Light on me thrust This I dread  To get up from half dead.  Waking up to pain with pain And nothing to gain The curtains open And the coconut tree beckons Lush and fruit laden Swaying gently in the moist breeze Mellow sunshine  Air so fine adorned with speckles of rain Dancing to a divine tune I...

Tuje bhul jaun


This is a Hindi poetry written for someone I love to death. Do read. तुझे भूल जाऊं ये मुमकिन कहां याद तेरी जाति ही नहीं कुछ पल भर तो मिला दो महिनो से देखा ही नहीं तेरी मुस्कान देख लू कब से घर कमल खिला ही नहीं हाथ तेरे हाथों से थमुन...

Sahastrafana sanitarium lonavala


Sahastrafana Parshvanath Jain Sanitarium Lonavala.  I have started loving this place for its peace, tranquility and positive vibrations that emanate from the jain temple in the premises. Big complex with rooms in configuration of 1: Studio 2: one bhk 3: two bhk. All the rooms/ flats are well appointed with air conditioning in all rooms televisions refrigerators and a fully equipped...

The parents club


I am sure to face flak for this. From parents and even some indoctrinated children for whose rights I have decided to take up the cudgel literally and not physically of course. This write up is sure to hit hard on raw nerves and few will appreciate for it will take a particularly evolved soul to understand digest and appreciate the thought behind this article. Well here goes nothing.  A club...

A soap opera.


A Soap Opera.  ——————————————————————————— I write this in relief. Why? Let’s find out. I use handmade soaps made by a cousin who does a fabulous job of it. I abhor the regular lux cinthol things and only tolerate Dove to an extent in the commercially available category. I am not a man of limited means but not of unlimited either. There are some things I will splurge on. Good food, clothes...

The coUrtyard green


The courtyard green! How I wish you were with us There’s a courtyard green Tall trees in cool breeze they preen We would have played with a ball Never would I have let you falter let you fall Running after you Your laugh ringing in my ears More important than all my near and dears Your little hand in my hand Which you place with such complete trust I want to live be well for you And never let you...

The underbelly of parenthood…..


The Underbelly of Parenthood.  ————————————————————— It’s been twenty years since I have started taking cognizance of children the interest being vested for married now for twenty five years we had began thinking about having a child. Lot of considering led us to opt go for having no children and instead continue the rollicking lifestyle we had, a decision I rue to the day everyday but that...

Veeru Chheda

About the Author

When I write I lay bare my soul. Amateurish attempts even if. That was my biggest dilemma when I thought of starting a blog. For when you open up deep hidden recesses of your inside, you are judged.

Sure you are applauded a little for what you did right but then the criticism comes in tons for your follies.

For the world is a cruel place indeed!

I have finally decided to go ahead with and post what has encompassed my life recently. Poetry. The words of exhilaration of anguish of tears of laughter of sometimes deep dark expressions waiting for a medium, for an outpour. Paths made of alphabets meandering through melancholy pain betrayal interspersed with brief bursts of bright and beautiful.

Poetry is what but a symphony of the pages with the writer wielding the baton making the words dance to a music that only he hears.

I am a man of contradictions, does that mean I say one thing and do the other? No! I do one thing and also do the other.

Middle age is when you look in the mirror and fret about what you see. At the threshold of old age with triumphs and regrets tucked in your holster You wait gingerly to cross over to the other fight.
When you look back with pleasure and pain and ahead with trepidation and hope.

So Dear Readers, let’s explore this beautiful world of words together. In my blog you will find poetry, short stories, travel reviews and tips and last but not the least Food. Restaurant reviews recipes and much more for I live to eat. For there is nothing more satisfying to soul than a good meal.

Get ready for a kaleidoscope of content but have patience for I have just started and will be posting as the write ups are ready. Please do express your thoughts on what is here anything from The Good The Bad and The Ugly for it will inspire me onwards and upwards. Jai Hind.